Chapters: Interactive stories, otherwise known as "short stories" or "interactive novels," are the latest innovation in media-rich applications. The basic premise behind a this type of application is to take a piece of text and turn it into an interactive story for the mobile phone. This type of software is available for both iOS and Android operating systems. A new chapter in this genre is starting to hit the markets and I believe this genre will see massive growth over the next few months and years. Basically, it's a new way for people to write short stories (or novels) and get it read by millions of people across the world. Here's how it works:
First of all, you download the software to your computer and then load it up on your phone. You can then pick a story from the storybook or create your own story based on the software. Once the story has finished loading, you can then select a few scenes from the software and use them to tell your story. Some software will let you pick a color for your characters and backgrounds, so make sure that's also picked before you download and install the program.
How To: This is a great way for someone new to write a novel or screenplay to get their work read by thousands of people interested in their story. All you have to do is download the software, set a scene, and begin telling your story. If you're just getting started with this technology, you can pick one of the following story options: Life of the Gods, Train Dreams, Cure for All Cures, and Infinite Entertainment. As you can see, there are plenty of variety in this category of software and if you ever decide to go with something else, you can always create a new story using the same software. It's exciting to me that technology is constantly advancing and creating new opportunities for authors and publishers. As more readers to download these types of software, the doors will be open for even greater success in this exciting area of publishing.